Spat Tracker

Tuesday, 03/7/2017,  the following data was collected from cage 26:

Spat: 136

Scar: 55

Box: 8

Can you guess the temperature of the water by the museum?

Answer 10 Celsius


Hi, Hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful weather today! Here is the data collected yesterday!


Cage 9:
Spat: 58
Scar: 18
Box: 4
Fun Fact: Oysters have been known to live up to 20 years!


Hi everyone! Today was a beautiful fall day out by the docks. Today students went out and counted spat. The data we collected today was from cages hung by Meade Middle School. Here is the data that we collected:

Cages: 27, 28, 29, and 30
Spat: 283
Scar: 88
Box: 18

What is the average size of an adult oyster in the Chesapeake Bay?


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